Sunday, February 6, 2011

~  2 MORE DAYS  ~

Yup. Ruby is going for her 2nd shot. I can't wait cause it means that she's another step to be healthy. Mind you, I was so stressed out watching her suffered so much because of distemper but she's slowly recovering now. There are at times when I saw her with breathing difficulty as well as abnormal eye discharge but she's now healthy and way TOO active! LOL...

Because of her illness, I totally forgot about her training. Now, we're both picking up again and it was amazing to see her behaving so well as oppose to last night where she jumped on everyone! aiyaaaahhh... I guess she's not happy being left alone for most of the time and jumping seems like a good idea for her. So, slowly trying to train her to not to be too excited. Need to do some exercise as well so that she won't be too active.

Ok. Better look at her now & see what she's up too. Oh... What a Sunday. :D