Monday, February 22, 2010


Been reading the first of the many parts of this wonderful article by Dick Allwright, as part of the coming lecture this Sat.

Here are the things of what I've discovered so far. Learning (and teaching, mind you) is so hard! You might think that you've done a great job when in actual fact, your students have no idea what you've been babbling all this while. Sigh... How can we solve this problem that is basically not only face here but probably (sic) also by millions across the globe.

Call me ignorant (unfortunately, i am! Sigh...) or a fool but all these while, I've been under constant illusions on the greatness of my teaching methods. Although deep down inside me, the seeds of doubt are constantly worming itself to the surface, unfortunately (here we go again... Sigh!) I've happily been suppressing it, again and again and again.

I wonder, what do my students think of me? I wonder, why have i been thinking that mostly all of them are not capable of any sane rationale thoughts. They're probably more intelligent compared to any one of us but their situations might not permit them to fully developed their potentials as learners. Alas, the word under- representing themselves will haunt me for the rest of my lives! (melodramatic is so in season now... :P)

Well... enough for now. There are more drama, self- pondering, self-loathing and all the selves in the world that i need to think about while reading the next part of my "self-discovery" journey to the NOT so-great-after-all me... :P Will write my next thoughts after digesting the bit of info later.

Have a nice day and adieu for now. :D

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